The complaint is regardin “So, within 10 minutes after installation the power supply indicator is not turn on anymore and caught on fire. A few minutes later the entire strip died.
Product Safety asks that you please respond to the above concern by taking the following steps:
1. MOST IMPORTANT: Submit all relevant safety testing data and certification for the item. We ask you include testing specifically relating to the incident in question. Please refer to the attached word document of “Product Compliance Guidelines” if you have any questions. PLEASE NOTE: An MSDS does not suffice for safety testing.
The appropriate standard for this product appears to UL 2108, but others may apply. If you have questions about the appropriate standards for the product, please consult with the laboratory directly.
2. Complete the attached Product Safety Questionnaire. The questionnaire is geared towards addressing the safety concern that the customer has brought up. Please reach out to the manufacturer of the product for the details you might not have.
3. Provide images of the product (front, back, accessories, and packaging). Images should include: model/serial number, safety/compliance marks & logos and safety labels & warnings on the product or packaging. Please also attach a copy of the instruction manual.
Thank you for your swift attention to this matter. We look forward to resolving this to our mutual customer’s satisfaction.
Please note:
While we investigate, product will remain unavailable for purchase from our website.
If the above documentation request is not completed in entirety within 7 days the case will be closed and the ASIN will remain suppressed.
UL认证介绍 UL是英文商试验所(Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)的简写。UL安全试验所是美国有*的,也是界上从事安全试验和的较大的民间机构。它是一个独立的、非营利的、为公共安全做试验的机构。它采用科学的测试方法来研究确定各种材料、装置、产品、设备、建筑等对生命、财产有无危害和危害的程度;确定、编写、发行相应的标准和有助于减少及防止造成生命财产受到损失的资料,同时开展实情调研业务。总之,它主要从事产品的安全认证和经营安全证明业务,其终目的是为市场得到具有相当安全水准的商品,为人身健康和财产安全得到保作出贡献。就产品安全认证作为消除国际贸易技术壁垒的有效手段而言,UL为促进国际贸易的发展也发挥着积极的作用。 UL始建于1894年,初始阶段UL主在靠防火部门提供资金维持动作,直到1916年,UL才完全自立。经过近**的发展,UL已成为具有世界度的认证机构,其自身具有一整套严密的组织管理体制、标准开发和产品认证程序。UL由一个有安全*、官员、消费者、教育界、公用事业、业及标准部门的代表组成的理事会管理,日常工作由总裁、副总裁处理。目前,UL在美国本土有五个实验室,总部设在芝加哥北部的Northbrook镇,同时在闽台和中国香港分别设立了相应的实验室
1.填写申请表, 2.提供产品的资料, 3.寄样品, 4.测试OK, 5.出UL/